Deep Update (source file for spark-cli)

HI all,

according to this reference:
When will the :spark: deep_update source file will be released for the command line interface!

Run the flash command:
spark particle flash --usb deep_update_2014_06
This installs the deep update from a binary that is packaged with the Spark CLI, so you don’t have to download it.

im keen for this too… i dont trust the really slow internet out here to do it OTA. it will take me 5mins to download the bin

Hey guys, the deep_update file is already available on spark-cli so all you need to do is to ensure that you have the latest version.

You can update Spark-cli using npm update -g spark-cli

I will send a PR to fix those links…


I have added in the link with this commit:

Sorry for the issue :smile:

The link for the .bin file is here:


Haha, oh docs. Thanks for noticing this, surprised that made it out. :slight_smile:

I actually secretly rolled this out to the spark-cli last week:

So if you update, you’ll have it.


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Update - nothing … same error. Did not find the file.

But now I know, thanks to you, it´s in the package of the spark-cli and is not downloaded right in the moment where I try to flash the core.
So I did a quick

find / -name deep_update_2014_06.bin 

and found the file (Raspbian) under:

Now I finally able to do the deep-flash-dance with:

spark flash --usb /usr/local/lib/node_modules/spark-cli/binaries/deep_update_2014_06.bin

DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash  "
Downloading to address = 0x08005000, size = 93636
Download    [=========================] 100%        94208 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state

Last thing I´d like to know is: In the link from my first post there is a troubleshoot section or something like to check if the deep_update applied successfully. But my output looks quite different and there is no “version”

  1. curl ‘http://mylocalcloud:8080/v1/devices?access_token=mylocalcloudaccesstoken
        “id”: “mycoreid”,
        “name”: “mycorename”,
        “connected”: true

    2. curl ‘http://mylocalcloud:8080/v1/devices/mycoreid?access_token=mylocalcloudaccesstoken
      “id”: “mycoreid”,
      “name”: “mycorename”,
      “connected”: true,
      “variables”: {},
      “functions”: [

Hi @clyde,

If you ran the command spark flash --usb deep_update_2014_06 and it didn’t work as expected, then you have the wrong version of the CLI, and the wrong version of deep_update. The local spark-protocol module doesn’t store the cc3000 patch version, but if you’re subscribing to your events, you should see it when your core starts up, try a spark subscribe mine. :slight_smile:

If you run spark --version you should see 0.3.95



exactly 0.3.95… but did not work.
So I´ve installed macports, dfu-util, node.js and spark-cli on my mac. Run the command once again and gained:

Downloading to address = 0x08005000, size = 93636

File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
Error during download get_status

Seems ok now i got some more output. But no patch version of the cc3000 wifi chip…

Hi @clyde,

Hmm, the deep_update works by optionally patching the cc3000, then it connects to the cloud and does an auto-upgrade. That feature might not be working on the local cloud. It sounds like you’re using the local cloud, can you try flashing the latest tinker via usb after the patch is done?

#in dfu mode 
spark flash --factory core-firmware.bin
spark flash --usb core-firmware.bin


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Hi @Dave

sorry tried but it seems like exactly the same result as before:

DfuSe interface name: "SPI Flash : SST25x"
Downloading to address = 0x00020000, size = 76808

File downloaded successfully

DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash "
Downloading to address = 0x08005000, size = 76808

File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
Error during download get_status

curl with access_token:
“id”: “mycoreid”,
“name”: “ArwenUndomiel”,
“last_heard”: “2014-07-23T19:25:30.797Z”,
“connected”: true

curl with coreid and access_token:
“id”: “mycoreid”,
“name”: “ArwenUndomiel”,
“connected”: true,
“variables”: {},
“functions”: [


Hi @clyde,

Sorry, the new Tinker will publish the version as an event, so you’d need to be subscribed when the core connects initially.


Öhm sorry what this exactly means?
I cannot subscribe because cli tells me to log in (which is the login to the spark cloud)… so what exactly did i do wrong ?

Hi @clyde,

If you have the CLI pointed at your local cloud, then try the following:

# new feature! :) 
# fix normal apiUrl
spark config spark apiUrl

# setup your local api url
spark config local apiUrl http://mylocalcloud:8080

# switch to your local setup
spark config local

#start the setup so you can create a new user, but hit ctrl-c after your user account is setup.  :) 
spark setup

# listen for local events    
spark subscribe mine


~ clyde$ spark subscribe mine
Subscribing to all events from my personal stream (my cores only)
Listening to: /v1/devices/events

Now it stops, i have tried to ctrl+c and then type another time the curl command with same result. Then I tried in a screen to subscribe and outside the screen run the curl command… same result…

Hi @clyde,

Ahh, hmm, sorry! Can you try throwing this code chunk in your setup call?

unsigned char patchver[2];
char patchstr[8];
snprintf(patchstr, 8, "%d.%d", patchver[0], patchver[1]);
Spark.publish("spark/cc3000-patch-version", patchstr, 60, PRIVATE);



Sadly I have more problems since I used the local cloud, hoped the deep update clears up some of them.

  1. Connecting to the cloud takes about 20-30 times.

    Connection from: 192.168.178.xx, connId: 1
    on ready { coreID: ‘coreid’,
      ip: ‘192.168.178.xx’,
      product_id: 65535,
      firmware_version: 65535,
      cache_key: undefined }
    Core online!

this game runs a dozen times if i switch my core on. The most time it connects successfully to the wifi and then searches for the cloud blinks red and resets and starts at the beginning. I have found in the forum that I not the alone with this problem. After 20-30 tries the core connect and the program starts?! Can´t find the problem, the spark-server log says as you see every time “Core online” and there is no disconnect message. But something must be missing?

  1. Former running progam which uses spark.publish() wan´t run anymore. My Website did not get any results. I send my information to the git issue that @kennethlimcp has opened (

  2. Is that “deep update” problem. What we have discussed here.
    Sure, I can put that code in my setup call of my project, but y? I thought the update should run out of the box? Give me a bit more what I have to do, feels like you have lost me at the side of the road, when you know what I mean…
    And currently I have the problem that I have to flash with USB not OTA means I have to unplugg my project and bring in to my computer thats little bit annoying.
    Should I keep it there or is this a “one timer”?

Hi @clyde,

Deep_update doesn’t work the same way on the local cloud, if you want to deep_update your core locally, try the following (one time thing):

1.) update your copy of the spark-cli npm update -g spark-cli

2.) connect your core in dfu mode:

spark flash --factory tinker
spark flash --usb cc3000

#when your core starts flashing yellow again
spark flash --usb tinker

If you’re building locally, make sure you’ve pulled the latest code from the repositories as well.

– A few other people have mentioned they’re not seeing the local cloud API show published messages properly -( ), so I’m looking into that.

– 20-30 connection attempts sounds pretty nuts, what else is happening? Does it take 20-30 tries with stock tinker?


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Ok @Dave: Thx for your advise, seems that sometimes I need a helping hand.
I will try this out asap and wrote results to this thread.

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No worries, thanks for troubleshooting with us :slight_smile:

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Here are my results:

  1. Deinstalled curernt version with npm uninstall -g spark-cli
    Reinstalled it with npm install -g spark-cli
    To absolute be safe I updeded with npm update -g spark-cli
    Info from Readme: 0.3.95 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/spark-cli/

  2. I connect the core to my raspberry and startet the spark-server in a screen
    I set the Core in DFU Mode bei Pressing Mode + RST release RST and whaiting for flashing yellow

Now I tried spark flash --factory tinker

    netBinding = process.binding(‘net’),
Error: No such module
    at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/spark/bin/spark:14:26)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:906:3

Thats it, tried to locate “tinker” or “cc3000” as a file but did not find it.
Sorry for making such trouble…:frowning: it´s not my intention!
Some checks later I can locate in the /binaries folder of the spark-cli there are the files which we need I think. So I tried first do move to the correct folder:

cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/spark-cli/
spark flash --factory tinker

Again nothing, last try:

cd /binaries
spark flash --factory spark-tinker.bin

Same on --usb cc3000 ;(