Will there be a Spark Core II

Honestly I don’t know how much smaller you can go… or cheaper! :slight_smile: So I voted larger, more more more. However… I think the BLE option for a smaller Spark Lite would be an interesting poll item. Something like the Cortado, but done the Spark Team way.


Definitely would like a Spark Core with floating point!

Edit: After thinking about this for a few days:

  1. An RTC that keeps time without needing to devote code space to keep it up to date.
  2. Hardware floating point
  3. CAN capability (all the wired controls in my house are CAN)
  4. 4-8 more IOs (2 of which being CAN capable)
  5. A header-less version, or just include the headers unsoldered.
  6. More storage space
  7. Keep it all in a similar form factor to the existing Core (a bit longer maybe, but NOT like the Arduino guys did with the Mega and Due, those are powerful, but not useful because of the resulting size).

For all that I’d be willing to plop down another $15-20 per Core, easy.


I am ok with the current size. Its the code space I need more of.

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Hmm, just had a great idea… for the…

Spark Grande
Spark Mega
Spark Whopper
Spark Jumbo
Spark Deluxe
Spark BLT
Spark Mark II
Spark Tacular
Spark Orangutan (aka Spark-O)…

Add a micro SD card slot :smile:


Short - 8 io.
This is the smallest size that Spark offers. It’s not very commonly ordered, and you can only get a few in a Short size.
Tall - 12 io.
Tall is considered to be a “small” sized core. A medium size at Freys in California is 10 io, or 14 io in the rest of the U.S.
Grande - 16 io.
Pronounced “GRAWN-day”. A embedded device is between 14 and 20 io.
Venti - 20 io. when hot, or 24 io. cold.
Pronounced “VENN-tee”. An Extra Large at Freys is between 20 and 24 io.

And make way for the Trenta - 31 io. available in the U.S in May, 2011

Please no… lol Sparkbucks. moans… :smile:

My vote is create a more powerful one. Then sell the current Spark Core without the header pins.


Thats how it looks on the spark homepage! Would be great to have the option of no header pins. I've had limited success desoldering them, ended up bending them instead to fit it in small area.

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With the no header pin installed option, you could also offer female headers to allow you to make the Spark Core it’s own breadboard (like an Arduino), and you could then stack shields UP instead of down. I realize this would cover the Mode button, but it would be pretty easy to put a hole in the shield right above the Mode button, and access it with a cliped toothpick, or q-tip stick or a piece of plastic rod with a tiny cup bored into the end that would fit nicely over the button and could be glued in place. Would be so cheap to include this rod with shields. The Reset button obviously has a pin it can hook to, but doesn’t need to go in the exact same location as the original reset button.

Shields could also be designed in reverse, so flip your Core over Male pins sticking up… your shield pins are now effectively female headers :wink:

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I wouldn’t go for TOO much larger though.
Arduino mega is FAR too large, the current size but a bit longer and a bit wider i.e. that only 1 row of sockets on each side of the breadboard is exposed.
Vbatt should be exposed and if it is much larger, add the battery on board.

Hoping that the core has been lucrative enough that you guys can continue with what is becoming a really great product!
Arduino’s new Yun on the other hand is really expensive for what it is.

If the height of the core is increased to allow for the battery to be part of it, the buttons could be placed on the sides.

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@zach, like to have more program space and a battery connection as suggested by @BDub.
EDIT: and a few (4…8) more i/o pins.
EDIT 2: and more SRAM, we are reaching the limits currently, very often we get a heap error.
EDIT 3: use of the RTC on the controller with standby battery

I definitely support a BLE version of the Core.


My vote is bigger - a M4 cpu or better (with the DSP extensions) and more RAM/flash.
More pins isn’t so important since you can always produce a onewire breakout board to a DS2413/DS2408


My vote goes to a Spark GSM version


I think this is a very important thing that isn’t really covered well for new users.
IO can be extended!

It might be a good idea for simple extensions to be made and done with built in libraries and a tutorial can be added.
The tutorial can explain the chip used everything, as it is open-source, the hardware schematic can even be linked to help users make their own.

I really like this idea. I don’t need the DSP for myself, but I can see lots of applications for the FPU.

I would love for it to be FCC, IC, and CE certified with an EXTERNAL antenna! I want to put it in a metallic enclosure with a high gain outdoor antenna.

This awesome little wifi enabled IP obtaining jewel is a dream come true but, not even a dream is perfect.

I am for forking the Firmware to a local only version with built-in access login security. If this was done would it free up space for a tiny webserver ? (Hope, Hope)


I would be very very in support of a more expensive and more powerful core. With a focus around WiFI stability. These things could stand to be integral in a lot of ideas I have, but require far better connectivity to be realistic.


Hear you loud and clear sir. :slight_smile:

The :spark: elites will be roped in to research on future cores and yes, we heard you :wink:

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