What are some suggested displays (LCD) with Spark Core

@Phil12d3 Something to begin with:

LiquidCrystal Library for Spark Core up on Github now: https://gist.github.com/technobly/8342145


@BDub & @timb - thanks for all your work on the drivers here.

I am using the Adafruit I2C backpack with a 16x2 display (also from the fruit)ā€¦ once I get my pullup situation in order Iā€™ll be back to needing to actually DISPLAY something with this thing.

Do either of you have a reccomendation for a library that is I2C, Spark ready and hits the 16x2?


@Soulhuntre you're welcome! I also replied to your other post with library support for the I2C backpack. Please let me know if it works for you :wink:

I bought this board as well and was surprised at the resistor changes needed. Iā€™ve ordered those resistors and Iā€™m going to try to port the Adafruit 8875 library, which uses the 4-wire SPI. Iā€™m still thinking this is might be a dead-end: saving a few bucks and doing all this extra work might not be worth it.

@ClintonKeith well, I think the board itself has potential. I like the I2C and I tend to like Adafruit for the extra info and quick delivery times - as long as I can get it running (even if I have to do pull-ups!) it will be worth it to me.

I have looked at some of the other serial boards folks mentioned - and they do seem enticing (especially with how easy it is to send text to some of them). I may look into a few of those as well just so I can use them with much smaller boards (trinket, flora etc.).

With luck, I can get this running however!


@BDub - indeed you did, thanks for the reply over there!

@Soulhuntre - Are you referring to the RA8875 Driver Board?

If so, I agree. The hardware I was talking about is the buydisplay TFT with the integrated controller.

That one requires a bit of soldering very small surface mount resistors to get SPI working on the integrated 8875. I might have been better off buying the TFT display separately, but it ends up being almost twice the cost.

For prototyping, I have been using the Sparkfun 16x2 white on black LCD with a 3.3V serial packback. Hereā€™s a link to the backpack datasheet. It is serial TX from core to display only so you donā€™t have to worry about polled IO on the serial port right now. Very easy to use and very reliable for me. I am planning on getting another one or two to play with.

I am looking at the Adafruit displays too and I will likely get one next time I order from them.

@bko - yeah, I am going to pick two of those sparkfunā€™s up just to have around.

On the buydisplay, it is best to purchase from their website so you can get it ordered just the way you want it. My mistake and sound like ClintonKeith also was buying through ebay where they donā€™t tell you what options just assume. I want this larger display and with touch screen so I do want to go this direction. I think it has huge potential and at a good price.

timb is going to get this display to work with spark.

timb, have you finished your digole library port yet?


@peekay123 Almost! Sorry for the delay, Iā€™ve been swapping back and forth between this, rewriting the I2C library and implementing pulseIn.

Maybe Iā€™ll dedicate a few hours tonight to polishing this off. :smiley:

@timb - I just wanted to take a second agian and say thanks for the hard work!

I posted this on another thread but I wanted to be sure you guys saw it as well.

I wrote a port of the Arduino code that was available for this OLED display:

My code is here:

I hope that is helpful, the OLED only cost me $19 and its contrast is fantastic.

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Thanks! I have a display that looks a LOT like that one in size from Adafruit, but sadly is not the same in any other respect that helps. Mine uses the SSD1306 instead of the SSD131x.

the Adafruit one uses the SSD1306 code, I know because I used their code for a non-Adafruit OLED that I got on ebay (not the one i mentioned above)

@dougā€‹leppard I donā€™t see the option of buying the 8875 display configured for SPI on the BuyDisplay website. Have you been able to? Itā€™s been a good display otherwiseā€¦not too hard to configure.

@timb Did you have any success porting the 8875 to Spark?

ClintonKeith, when you go to buyDisplay.com directly, and select a TFT LCD display, say this one, you will see a list of accessories to select below the price. Selecting these will add the necessary connectors and cables to your order. In your case, you could select 4-wire SPI or I2C depending on your needs. You can also select a touch panel and other options as required.

Be aware that not all TFT displays use the R8875 so make sure to look at the ā€œIC or Equivalentā€ portion of the specifications for the display processor type.

Hope that helps! :smiley_cat:

Anyone got some code for SSD1306 Oled display drivers?

I have a Adafruit 128x32 I2C Display and trying to get it to work with spark but i dont find code for this specifc display i2c chip.