TCP Server and Client Example Socket Programs "D7-ON" please

That was much better for getting the local IP. Not seeing any speed improvement from shutting down the cloud, either way gets about a command every 70 ms, so I think I will stay cloud connected.

I still think this can be made a lot faster, so I am going to look at the connection code for VoodooSpark. Even with telnet I am having trouble sending bytes. Not really sure how to send something like 0x01, 0x07, 0x01. If anyone has working VoodooSpark code I would be very interested in a link to it. Not much to go on on the VoodooSpark page at

Everything makes sense until I get to the line that says

With the IP Address and TCP port information, use your favorite language or TCP client to connect to the device (even telnet will work) and send it the necessary BINARY protocol commands to trigger the desired API interactions as defined in our API Command guide.

Looks like I am continuing the voodoospark issues at