Semi-Automatic Mode Question


Since the SPARK_WLAN_Loop() function is not documented I made it like that:

if (!Spark.connected()) { 
    Spark.connect();                            // Establish connection to the cloud
    delay(10000);                                // Give the connection some time to settle to connectivity
        while (!Spark.connected()) {
            RGB.color(255,0,0);                 // Set Core LED to false (red) to get visual feedback that we currently have no connectivity
            Spark.connect();                    // While we are in the loop try to connect (in case internet  is back)
            digole.clearScreen();               // User code not running, to not waste energy clear the display
            delay(60000);                       // This is a worst-case scenario, let´s pause the game for 60 seconds
} else { 
// running threads

Tested - works :slight_smile: and delays() in that example are ok for me. Because this code will only be executed if we have no connection :wink: