HOWTO: Update CC3000 via DFU-util (windows)

The .bat script is written and .exe files zipped up by me. If you are not comfortable using the .exe from the download link, please give this tutorial a miss. :wink:

Update CC3000 via DFU-util

Hey there!

Is your :spark: core having difficulty connecting to Wifi?

Geting confused over how to flash the cc3000 patch file via USB?

This should help you get going! :smiley:

STEP 1: Place Core in DFU MODE

1.) Press BOTH buttons and release ONLY the RST button

2.) Wait for the RGB LED to BLINK YELLOW and release the MODE button

STEP 2: Install DFU Driver

1.) Download zatig.exe from

2.) In Zadig, Click on ‘Options’ --> 'List all devices’

3.) Select ‘CORE DFU’ and ‘libusbK’ for the driver. Press 'Install Driver’

So far, ‘libusbK’ is proven working with the :spark: core

4.) It will show ‘Driver installed successfully!!!’ (ok not so many ! :))

STEP 3: Download Bundled Package

1.) Download from:

2.) Inside the folder, you will see:

3.) Click on DFU-flash-script.bat

This will appear:

4.) For CC3000 patch, key in 1 and hit ENTER

*Make sure core is blinking yellow (DFU mode)

5.) Downloading will start!

6.) The sequence for CC3000 patch will be as such:

Blinking Magenta --> Blinking yellow

7.) The next step is to flash a binary file

Run DFU-flash-script.bat again and key in 2 and hit ENTER

8.) Your core will now download the stock tinker app and restart!


hi can you help me…On step 4 : when I click on the button 1 it said that dfu util not recognised what does it means.

Have you got dfu-util installed and in your path?

Check in a console (cmd) and type dfu-util.
If it can’t be found have a look here (for example)