Firmware v0.2.0 released, with many fixes

It seems like the entire :spark: team MIA-ed somehow…

Many of us are back! We’ve been traveling a lot recently, but we’re catching up now on community and emails and everything :slight_smile:

1 Like readme still telling about 1.0.0 version. Maybe it’s need to be fixed?:slight_smile:

@zachary @satishgn ,

my code won't run when i blocked internet access to it and restarting the core with a power cycle..

Only works IF i cut off the internet access after it successfully connected. Seems like something got changed?

It's weird cos i remember doing a test for the blinking blue problem after wifi is down and my code could run even without wifi...

  1. i changed the factory reset firmware to spark_3
  2. i used WEB IDE
  3. i didn't use anything that has got to do with spark connect/disconnect and wifi on/off. Just SPI LCD

Can someone do a test and verify this? It's weird since it worked previously and i didn't changed anything

It was working well displaying the millis() without a wifi....

No one is going to test this? :confused:

I’ll mention it in case someone can get to it, but it might be a little bit! :smile:


Thanks Kenneth. I didn’t get to this today. @satishgn Please take a look.

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@kennethlimcp, With the default Spark application, the user setup() and loop() doesn’t run unless the Core first connects to the cloud at boot-up.

What you want could be achieved by removing the following if() clause in main.cpp.


When the above is done, most of the time the socket connect call for cloud connection will block the user loop from running and will constantly lead to WLAN restart if internet is not present or blocked (WiFi is available)

I’ll create a github issue so can be debated over there if this is what the user experience should be i.e. run user application irrespective of cloud/internet connection.

@kennethlimcp @zachary, I created a new github issue :

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Ah… I was thinking the behavior would be non-blocking with the introduction of Wifi on/off and Spark connect/disconnect.

So if we were to disable wifi in our code locally, the user code will run?

We need to work on this details as there’s and increase in requirement of users wanting to run their code without internet/wifi.

If the WEB IDE can’t support this then would be less friendly.

Thanks for testing @satisghn

@kennethlimcp when the cloud is disabled via includes through webIDE, the behaviour would be non-blocking in the current case so the user experience should be pretty smooth. So I bet on using the cloud disable includes in your case and use Spark.connect/disconnect judiciously when the internet is not present so as not block the user’s loop().

Ah that’s good to know :slight_smile:

So we probably need to discuss whether this is the behavior by default yeah?

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Forgive me if it is already there, but can someone tell me the procedure to update the core to latest firmware? or the core gets the latest firmware automatically from the cloud?


Good question :slight_smile:

Compiling and flashing over Web IDE gives you the latest stable release of firmware.

Look under Settings, there’s the firmware version which should be V0.2.0 as per the last release.

Hi kenneth​lim​cp,

Thanks for your reply.
You mean to say that if I compile and flash any application to the core, then along with it, the core firmware will also be flashed to the latest automatically?


Yes that’s right. The word firmware in the :spark: core context is a little weird compared to our usual understanding of firmware…

Let’s put it this way: your user code + latest spark core dependencies code will be compiled and flashed to the core.

Hope this helps!

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Hi kenneth​lim​cp,

Thanks for the clarification.
I will try to update the core soon.


What!!?? The newest version of firmware comes too??? My Lord!! the Gods have deigned to convey something of value in understandable language. This fact needs to be placed somewhere less inscrutable. Now if there was a similar cure for the nodejs, curl, cloud, api mess.

Yeah the compilation is done with the latest stable branch on github for all the 3 repos for :spark:. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, what is the status on time cloud sync? would love to test it.

  • Firmware is ready for Time to be set by Cloud (still needs work on the Cloud side)