Failed connecting to WiFi

i came here to seek help for the blinking green light error… despite following instructions to the t, nothing seemed to help. then i also tried to switch channels, which worked. yet, there was only one overlapping network here, but it seems to have been the problem.

still this behavior is a bit unreliable since other devices in the same spot have no trouble with wifi, and more importantly i had been using the core in a real-life application for quite a while already. it wasn’t until recently that it started misbehaving.

The cc3000 is a little unstable and usually patching it works fine. Doesn’t happen often but you might encounter this issue.

Let us know if you need more help!

by patching do you mean the deep update (2014_06)? i did that, but the core continues to malfunction. i thought changing the channel did the trick, but during the night the core has gone back to green flashing mode, and after the deep update it still doesn’t connect. any ideas?

Can you use the cc3000 binary file instead?

I am also having this problem. I have 3 networks at home. (One upstairs, one down and my cell network) Two are on WPA2 and one is just WPA. I flashed without issues and still end up with a green blinking light half way through trying to set my networks settings from the command line or the spark dev app.

Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuERROR, status = 10
dfuERROR, clearing status
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 1024
DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash  "
Downloading to address = 0x08005000, size = 25248
Download	[=========================] 100%        25248 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state

Can you send in your Wifi credentials via Serial and setup a mobile hotspot and see if it connects?

Ok this is an issue that has something to do with the usb2/3 port issue. @kennethlimcp - I did both those things from my mac. No love. I plugged into my older linux box with a usb2 port and was done via usb in a matter of seconds. I’m willing to bet cash this has more do to with USB spec problems than my network. Once I can get the info to actually save onto the core, there’s no issues at all connecting to my wifi. This has something to do with ports. I’ve been in so much pain with this thing and to see it take so quickly over linux on an older machine made my soul cringe a bit.

I’m on a Mac Pro Mavericks and USB works fine for me. 90% of the Spark team is also on Mac so i don’t see it as an issue.

What did you use to send in the Wifi credentials? Spark-cli?

You might want to bet cash but i have 100% confidence that’s not a USB issue after helping a ton of people get connected in the forum :wink:

Anyhow, i’m glad you managed to connect!

Yes I’m using the cli - most of the time it’s fine and then every once in a a while it’s a total little pain and it refuses to connect. I tried the linux box as a crap shoot. I have the same issue with the serial and it seeing the USB port. None of my other (and trust me there are a ton) arduino like interfaces have these problems. I don’t know why it’s weird. I do nothing different. When it will connect on my other machine it’s the same process and the same network. It just never finishes saving out the info. I can try 20/30 times with no luck then eventually it takes. I have a WPA and WPA2 network on channel 10. Both get around 100 MB down consistently. When it does the hanging thing, it just flashes green forever until I restart. Suggestions?

I tried everything

What worked?!

Hi @Snorri

@chrisdemartin was replying to @foggy who posted above. If you click the right-arrow next the name of person being replied to you can see the original post.

Here are the steps from @foggy with minor edits to re-patch the TI CC3000 and install fresh copies of the factory software using the CLI:

1.) connect your core via usb

2.) hold down both buttons and release the reset button, keep holding until your core flashes yellow about 3-4 seconds

3.) update your factory reset version:
spark flash --factory tinker

4.) run the patch
spark flash --usb cc3000

5.) once your core stops flashing magenta, and starts flashing yellow again, reload tinker
spark flash --usb tinker

6.) Plug your wifi credentials back in with:
spark setup wifi

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