Duplicated info docs vs forum. Referring to the Docs in the forum

So i had posted that from my mobile, without actually looking at arduino's page.

I just looked at arduino's page, and then back at spark's docs - and here's a very simple change-around that i think would really help:


  • The "firmware" page is the landing page.
  • It has been renamed to "Language Reference" (or "Commands" or anything less threatening/confusing to n00bs).
  • Split the list into 2 columns and also added some padding above headings to visually separate them better.
  • There is a search functionality added (for within the docs).
  • The complex / confusing sub-menu structure of the LHS column is removed.
  • Sub-menus should DEFINITELY be removed on the landing page, and perhaps also on other pages (because it becomes information overload, and in reality, its just a "scroll to" link for info that's already being displayed in the RHS pane).
