SdFat library port?

@satishgn - OP was looking for a library that was source-compatible with the arduino SDFat library - it’s my understanding that you were looking at using a different library (fatfs.) That’s no problem - we can write a simple layer that mimics the public API of the arduino SDFat library and translates that into calls to the fatfs library.

I think fatfs is great, and I’ve already integrated it into my external flash eeprom emulation library.

Since fatfs is independent from the underlying persistence layer (via the interface in diskio.c), it would make sense to factor our fatfs use into these reusable libraries:

  1. the library for the fatfs filesystem code (ff.c)
  2. pluggable engines for different storage devices (implementations of diskio.c). E.g. external flash, SD Card SPI, FRAM, Network addressable storage

To do this effectively requires transitive dependency support in libraries - do you know how far away that is?