Deep update leads to SOS Hard Fault on previously working code

Hi @stevespark

Thanks for posting the code! I added the magic markup to make the code look nice in your post.

Did you know that the wear leveling code in Flashee is causing problems for other folks every time they restart their core? Sometimes it works, often you read garbage or worse old data from a previous write. Could that be messing up your TCPServer?

The author @mdma is away on holiday for a bit but promised to look at it when he comes back. See this thread for details:

I would also try moving your Spark.function() and Spark.variable() calls up to right after you know the connection is up, like right after the 1 sec delay after Spark.connect(). There have been problems with a change put into the cloud at the same time as deep update that requires spark functions to be called within a few seconds of the Spark protocol starting up. This change helped with the checking of the deep update status that happens automatically each time a core starts its cloud connection, but it hurt some users with long delays in setup() or who manage the connection closely.